
DYED: Donate Your Educational Data

This is a concept that we came up with a while ago. Instead of donating your body to science, why not donate your data?

We just posted a collaborative discussion document on this topic on Google Docs. You can comment directly, using this link — please join us in this innovative approach.

When creating virtual scenarios, we often struggle to find good case data. The metadata systems are not set up to provide easy searching by case conditions or presentations. In this document, we describe some of the challenges and also some potential solutions.

This was particularly poignant some years ago when we were trying to provide some innovative teaching illustrations about cervical spine injuries. Check out this YouTube video.

We look forward to your comments, using the Google Docs link above.

CURIOS video mashup service fixed

Finally, we managed to fix an annoying we glitch in our setup that was preventing the use of the CURIOS video mashup tool. You can access it via our demo server at – simply go to the Tools menu then Video Mashup.

For more info on how to use the CURIOS service, check out the user guide. You can use CURIOS on most YouTube videos, not just your own.

You will need an authoring account on our demo OLab3 server to create your own mashup snippets. But once the snippets are created, anyone can use them.

We have an app for that

We have put together a neat little app that you can use to find and play OLab3 and OLab4 scenarios. It will work on either iOS or Android.

You can access and install it using this link:

You still need to use a password combo to access the OLab4 server but you can choose to store that in your browser or keychain. And it can be a little slow to load sometimes.

Edit: As often happens with the Freemium model, have now changed their pricing structure. The free version is now somewhat limited. The costs and limitations of even the Private versions are not justifiable for our purposes, at this point.

Times Change

As Bob Dylan reminds us, the times they are a changin’. For us here, that is tonight in the early hours of Sunday morning. And, as usual, it is causing problems. The specific challenge that is relevant to those of us who need to collaborate electronically with multiple groups around the world is coordinating time zones.

Right up front for the TL;DR crowd, I offer this tip (which is just as relevant as when we first cited it in 2005): use this web site – it is so helpful.

There are other similar sites out there. This one has remained useful to us for 15 years.

Now, you might think that, with our clever computers being aware of time zones, and with apps like Outlook etc catering to time zones, this would no longer be a problem. Not so, I’m afraid, as this week has demonstrated. Several conference calls now scheduled for times that almost work but not really.

There are several problems behind this:

  1. Not all regions switch time zones but those that do tend to assume that everyone does.
  2. Not everyone switches at the same date/time
  3. Opposite hemispheres switch in opposite directions which makes sense logically when you think about it… but most people don’t think about it.
  4. When booking ahead at this time of year, some people use today’s time difference, forgetting that it will be different next week or when the meeting comes.
  5. Different apps and operating systems handle time zones differently
  6. There are 3 different time zone tables in operation around the computing world but they don’t agree.

For multinational groups, this is remains a common cause of confusion and disruption. As we noted in our 2005 article, sometimes it gets so bad that we take a trick from the military and quote all times as Zulu. The advantage of this is that Zulu never changes; Universal Time Coordinated (UTC), for our purposes, is pretty much the same thing.

Note that we avoid using Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). While this is similar to UTC and Zulu, it causes confusion amongst UK participants, so many of whom interpret GMT = “current time in the UK”, which is only correct for half the year.

As noted above, you cannot rely on your smart devices to get it right either, or even major information systems. I will relay an odd example of this from our travels. My daughter and I were traveling through Santiago, Chile, on our way to Buenos Aires, a few years ago. Our transit time in Santiago was a shade tight at just under two hours but should have been enough and was approved by the airline booking systems.

Our flight arrival into Santiago was a delayed by about 30 minutes (not bad for a 10 hour flight). When we touched down, I took my phone and watch out of airplane mode so that they could resync with local time etc, and was puzzled to see that my phone and my watch disagreed by an hour.

Because of the delay, we stopped by the transit desk just to let them know that we were here, still heading onwards etc, and they told us we had better run because the flight was closing. We made it with seconds to spare and had no checked bags so things turned out ok. But we were really puzzled by the shift.

It turns out that even Air Canada is “puzzled” by this. The arrival time, given by the Air Canada system and ticketing was wrong by an hour. So our transit time was only about an hour and no wonder we only just made it.

On poking into this a little further, it also explained why my watch and my phone were in disagreement about the current time. Normally the smart watch grabs its time etc from the phone so it was weird that they were synced but exactly an hour apart.

It turns out that there are 3 different time zone lookup tables in common use in the IT world. And they don’t always agree. So my watch was using one table and my phone was using another. I’m not sure which system Air Canada was using but it was also wrong.

It is a particular problem in Santiago at certain times of year. In one time zone table, Santiago does not flip times with daylight savings; in another it does. This problem first cropped up for IT time zone tables 30 years ago but remains a problem.

There are other time zone oddities out there (yes, we are looking at you, Newfoundland), but it pays to be careful around this time of year.

Dubya also changed the dates of when time zones change in USA (and hence Canada since we always have to do what our southern neighbours tell us) a few years ago. This made sense to some, while other cynics generally blame the golfers. It did introduce a wrinkle in coordinating time with Europe because we were more closely aligned prior to that, and many still think we all switch on the same date.

Historically, one justification that has generally been used was that it was for the benefit of the farmers… which then makes it ironic that Saskatchewan, our most agrarian province, does not flip for daylight savings.

Many would point to all the costs, increased road traffic events, etc and state with much logical support that it does not make sense to change times. Ahh, logic… meet politics… you will get along so well together.

Anyway, looking forward to an extra hour of sleep tonight… except I won’t get it because one of cats does not believe in time zone shifts and will still be biting my ear at 05:30 (and at that ungodly hour, it does not matter whether that is MST or MDT) demanding to be fed. Great!

Server security improved

Our various servers, supporting OpenLabyrinth and the OLab education research platform, had some hiccups for a while, which resulted in our support of https and SSL being rather patchy.

Most people will find these days that many web browsers have conniptions about visiting unsecured sites, so many of you were getting dire warnings about the site being insecure or having an invalid security certificate.

I think we have all that fixed now and there should be no more warnings.

Just to reassure you, there was no actual compromise of our sites and the data remains secure.

OLab4 demo at AMEE

Our first launch and demonstration of what the new OLab4 Designer, the authoring interface for scenario development, is taking place today at the AMEE Conference in Vienna.

The main concept mapping tool will be familiar to OpenLabyrinth v3 authors. We have retained its basic useful functions, made it simpler and more accessible.

To take a look at some of the demonstration scenarios that we have created, go to — login as ‘ltopps‘ (that’s with a small L at the front for Learner) and with a password of ‘learner‘ when asked to sign in.

There are just a few simple demo cases to start with. We will build more to demonstrate OLab4’s new capabilities.

OLab4 Script Objects

In OLab3, for advanced authors, it was possible to make your scenarios quite complex and interactive. By using combinations of Rules, Counters, Timed Popups etc, you could get quite creative.

But it was quirky and limited. Debugging was a real challenge is things did not behave how you wanted. It was possible to embed some Javascript into OLab3 but it was still difficult and risky.

In OLab4, we have taken a quite different approach. We have come up with a way to embed Javascript safely into scoped objects so that they can be reused.

These Script Objects can interact with OLab4’s REST API in much greater detail. This allows advanced authors to be more creative in manipulating how their scenarios work.

We have a few taster examples to show at AMEE. See you there.