
New domain and Cloud services

We have a new domain:

You can try out an early instance of our cloud-based version of the OLab 4.6 Player at , using guest as the username and password. It is not yet completely bullet-proof but the transition to cloud services has gone reasonably smoothly.

Why the new domain?

We added for a few reasons:

  • to give us more control over sub-domains and services
  • to acknowledge the international nature of the OLab consortium
    • (i.e. not just Canada)
  • to lessen the workload for our university IT services

We are keeping for some things because there is no advantage (yet) to moving. So you will still see the most recent news, announcement and stories on – this site here.

Use the flexible power of OLab to create interesting learning designs

Even from its earliest versions, OLab has proven to be remarkably flexible and powerful in how you can design your maps and scenarios.

In this page, Learning Designs in OLab, we describe some of these designs and approaches.

We would love to hear from other groups about interesting learning designs that they have created; or from others who would like to create an innovative design but are not quite sure how to do this in OLab.

Revised access to OLab services

We have had to make some changes to where we host various OLab services.

Main Sites:

Moodle for OLab – courses, examples – most students and teachers who are using OLab in a course or workshop will come here.

Support, blog, how-to pages, contact info – our main WordPress page with general information relating to OLab.

OLab Player – use ‘guest’ as username and pword if you don’t have one – this is the link to our main OLab server, when you want to play cases directly, not via Moodle.

OLab Designer – login credentials required – for authors, teachers, course designers. You must have a specific login.

Developer services:

Dev server – player – this is our test and development box. Don’t put production cases or course materials on here. There is no guarantee of stability, uptime or backups.

Dev server – designer – this is for authoring cases on our test box.

CURIOS video mashup service – this is for integrating YouTube videos into your course materials.

Help files – general and specific help for OLab.

Other services

We still have our other servers running on the University of Calgary virtual machines. It has recently become difficult to maintain these in a stable form, hence the move of some of these services. We will update you if this improves. – Openlabyrinth v3.5.1 – pretty slow these days but still mostly works. – currently offline – currently offline

Longevity in OLab cases

Well, we just had a lovely wee example of how sustainable OLab cases are.

We received a request from Ontario about an InterProfessional Education (IPE) case that was previously designed in OLab v2 in 2007, posted at NOSM.

Lost in the Bush is an interesting story that presents you with the challenge of Search & Rescue for a challenged individual. It is a neat case with 90 nodes, multiple pathways and some thoughtful dilemmas. It works well for IPE teaching because it puts you in 4 different roles as you navigate the case.

As we noted above, this case is now 16 years old (in Scotland, it could get married, and it is nearly old enough to vote). We ported it from v2 to version 3 with very little in the way of changes needed.

You can still access it on OLab3 at – but that server is getting pretty long in the tooth and, with all the use that it gets from multiple groups around the world, it can be pretty slow at times.

So we ported it to OLab4 – and it works. It needs a wee bit of tweaking and polishing but it still works. Pretty good after 16 years.

What is also neat to see is that there are features that the original authors requested back in 2007 that were difficult to implement back then. New functionality in OLab4 now makes this possible.

OLab3 demo server move – update

We think the dust has settled. You can continue to use this URL to access our OLab3 demo server:

We apologize because the transition was not nearly as smooth as we had hoped. We have copied all of the case information, media files, user identities etc from the old server to the new one.

We have repointed the URL from the old server to the new one so that outside references to your cases should now work as before.

We have left in place the URL to point to this same server so if any of you have altered your links and references, these should still work.

Phew. A lot of fuss for something that should have happened invisibly. Sorry that it did not but this resulted from a lack of resources at UCIT, who have many other things on their plates just now.


OLab3 Demo server moved

The move was successful!

You can now find your cases and scenarios at

We also moved all the user credentials, groups, logins etc over at the same time so you should be able to login using the same username and password as before.

The forgot-my-password link now works again, in case you need that.

All of the case/scenario/map names remain the same. Also the map ID numbers are the same as they were on — this means that if you have a URL that points to a particular map or node, it will almost work. Map IDs and Node IDs are unchanged.

Remapping a URL

If you have a URL in an external file, such as a Moodle Course or a WordPress page, you may need to edit it to point to the new site e.g. for the well known ‘Welcome’ case, instead of…

…it will now be at

We are working with UCIT to reassign to this new server so that the original URLs will work. We are not sure how long this will take for them to implement. Please contact us if this is creating problems for you.

OLab3 service changes pending

Sorry everyone for the inconvenience. We have been having issues with the server at for a few weeks now.

We will need to switch to a more stable server – this will probably happen on Monday 5 DEC 2022. We will post the new server URL at that time.

In the meantime, what to do?

  1. You can continue to use until Monday.
  2. The forgot-my-password link on that server will not function properly. (It will say that it will send you a link but that will not be sent.)
  3. We will copy the data files from to the new server on Monday. This means that…
    1. Case materials and edits on should still be carried over
    2. User account details will remain the same
    3. Session data (who played what when) will be carried over.
  4. The server at will be running more slowly because of these internal problems.