We are so sorry that servers on our openlabyrinth.ca domain were down since Monday. Good news is that all are working normally again.
The services affected were:
https://openlabyrinth.ca/ — this WordPress site
https://demo.openlabyrinth.ca/ — our main OLab3 site
https://curios.openlabyrinth.ca/ — our CURIOS video mashup service
The actual servers themselves were happily running all through this time. No downtime and no data lost. But they were invisible to the outside world, which makes them just a tad useless. The miscreants on the network team will be flogged with a wet noodle.
There was no data breach, no hackers, etc.
We do now have a backup installation running on a separate service which we can rapidly switch to if needed. We will post this on this site if we have to turn things over to the new server.