H5P widget on OLab case design

You can reuse H5P widgets across sites and platforms.
For example, this Timeline widget was created on our OLab3 WordPress site, but has been ported to our OLab3 server, here, and to our OLab4 WordPress site here.
The H5P widget broke so I uploaded the h5p file from openlabyrinth.ca

Now, wouldn’t it be cool if you could use the LRS to store the current widget state?

  • Use a Status rather than Activity statement? Would have to explore this.
  • The H5P widget would need to be adapted to generate such statements as well.
  • This would mean that when the user came back to the H5P widget later, it would resume where she last left off
  • This would also mean that you could store the state of that reusable widget across the various platforms where you reused it. So, in this demonstration, as you move from site to site (OLab4 –> demo.olab3 –> OpenLabyrinth WordPress), showing this same widget, it would display the same point on the widget as before.
  • (The same can be done with cookies but this allows more richness of tracking and works across machines.)